Python & AI Winter Learning Series
18 de jan de 2024, 20:30 - 1 de fev de 2024, 21:30
Event is Closed

Learn Python Programming and AI for FREE this Winter!!

This online series is for K12 teachers and anyone interested in bringing Python Programming and Artificial Intelligence (AI) into their classrooms.

In these online meetings you will get started with learning Python and AI and will receive your access to our 80-hour video-based training course. This course uses virtual autonomous cars as an application to learn Python programming and AI. We will also go over any questions you might have about the content you are learning. If you cannot attend, a recording of the meeting will be available after.

The teachers completing 16 lessons will earn Conclusion Certificates, and a FREE month of using the AutoAuto course & two AutoAuto physical cars with their students. More details here: AutoAuto Lending Program

Meetings will be held on January 18th and on February 1st of 2024, from 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm - Central Time.

Register here for both meetings:

Teacher testimony from a previous cohort!